Avoiding Extreme Conformation in Your Bred Cat


In recent years, veterinarians have seen an increase in the popularity of pedigree cat breeds with extreme body shapes and features, such as flat faces or folded ears. Though these features may seem endearing or striking to pet owners, many are unaware of the associated health and welfare issues that can result in lifelong suffering. For instance, a very pushed in face (think of a Persian whose face is flatter than usual) can make it difficult for a cat to breathe comfortably, as well as lead to skin and eye problems. Folded ears are associated with a very serious condition known as Scottish Fold Disease, which affects a cat’s joints and makes getting around extremely painful.

In Europe, to help cut down on the popularity of cats with extreme conformation that adversely affects their health, the International Society of Feline Medicine is working to discourage the creation of ads for cat products that feature felines with these deformities. What you can do here at home is not breed a cat with an extreme conformation, which will only lead to more cats being born to lead lives of pain. It’s fine to adopt such a cat if you fall in love with one and are willing to tend to the associated health issues. You just want to avoid passing down the pain to the next generation.


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