Signs of the Most Common Hormonal Disease to Strike Cats in Middle and Old Age


There’s a disease that may fool you into thinking your cat is healthier than ever. Called feline hyperthyroidism, it often results in weight loss and increased activity, so owners commonly remark that “the diet is finally working,” or “my cat feels great and is acting like a kitten again.” But the condition has serious health implications involving many of the body’s critical organs, and it strikes one in 10 cats over the age of 10.

What happens is that one or both of the thyroid glands in the neck secrete an excess of thyroid hormone. If not brought under control with treatment to “calm” the gland(s) down, it can result in damage to a cat’s heart, kidneys, and other organs.

With that in mind, be advised that if your cat is losing weight despite a normal or increased appetite or appears restless and more apt to engage in physical activity out of nowhere, a veterinarian should examine him. Other possible signs of hyperthyroidism include increased vocalization and increased thirst and urination.


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