(Managing Cat Aggression Ebook Tip#1) – What is Petting Aggression?
Cats with Bathroom Issues – The Multiple-Cat Factor
(Naughty No More Tip#2) Cats with Bathroom Issues – The Outsiders
The Cat-Crinkle Connection
Case of Nip and Run
Dead Bird on My Bed!
(The Cat Behavior Answer Book Tip#4) Stymied by Stool Situation
Litter Box Attacks
Yuck! Hairballs!
How To Use Play Therapy for your Cat
There are so many reasons to make play therapy work for you to improve life for your cat. It starts, of course, with the physical benefits. That alone should be reason enough to retrain your cat and yourself to the idea of regularly scheduled playtime. The extra benefit, though, is that play therapy can be used as part of a behavior modification program. It can be a powerful way to change a cat's mind about a negative experience or location. For a cat eliminating outside the litter box, play therapy can help him change his impression about teh area where he's inappropriately eliminating. Used correctly, play therapy can defuse a tense situation between companion cats or help a timid cat develop more confidence.
Pros and Cons of Free-Feeding Your Cat
The Biter
Your cat may be a mild biter during play or she may be one who means business when she chomps down, inflicting pain and drawing blood. In either case, biting behavior must be corrected.
First, figure out the trigger. Does she bite your hand when you're playing with her? One of the most common mistakes people make is to use their fingers as toys to entice cats to play. This may have seemed harmless enough when your cat was a kitten, but as she grew and developed adult teeth, those bites probably started to hurt more. Unfortunately, if you used your fingers as toys, you sent a message to her that biting flesh was acceptable. In her mind, if biting flesh is okay during play, then it's also okay for her to bite when she needs to communicate other things as well. Some cats bite to solicit playtime. From previous experience, they learned that biting gets a response from the cat owners and a toy is tossed for them. Unfortunately, that just reinforces the biting behavior. In this way, she has trained you.