- Keep Your Cat from Climbing the Feline Ladder of Aggression
- Morsels
- The Brain-Bladder Connection in Cats Can Cause Disease
- Interior Design with Your Cat in Mind
- The Cat Myths that Won’t Die
- Yet Another Reason Not to Let Your Cat Become (or Remain) Overweight
- Sticking to a Routine is Critical for a Cat’s Health
- Dear Doctor
- Why Do So Many Cats Have GI Problems with New Foods?
- Morsels: National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day; Increases in Vocalizations
- Is Your Cat’s Litter Safe for You?
- Should You Be Giving Your Cat Fish Oil?
- When Your Cat Must Be Fed in an Upright Position to Stay Alive
- Dental Sealants to Help Your Cat Avoid Gum Disease?
- Feline Vaccine Hesitancy
- Five Feline Fixes on the Cheap
- Dear Doctor
- Increase Your Cat’s Clicker Training Success Rate
- Morsels
- Holiday Dangers Awaiting Your Cat That You Haven’t Thought Of
- But Does Your Cat
Actually Need a Bath?
- How the Cat Nose Knows
- When Your Cat Keeps Eating Things That Aren’t Food
- 4 Ways to Act Proactively for Your Cat
- Dear Doctor
- Why You Absolutely Can’t Take a Cat Scratch or Bite Casually
- Morsels
- Things That Don’t Go Together With Cats
- Integrative Geriatrics For Your Senior Cat?
- Losing Excess Weight Does Much More Than Make a Cat Healthier
- 3 Ways to Help a Scaredy Cat
- Deciding How to Take a Cat’s Temperature
- Dear Doctor
- Feline Arthritis Pain: The Signs Can Be Subtle
- Morsels
- Socializing: Cats Can Take It or Leave It
- Turn Down the Television! And Other Ways to Keep Your Cat Happier
- Can Your Cat Pay It Forward As a Blood Donor?
- Nail Trimming: Not Just For Your Furniture But For Your Cat’s Safety
- When a Cat Starts Losing Hair
- Dear Doctor
- Your Cat’s Got the (Weird) Moves
- Morsels
- When Your Cat Naps in the Litter Box
- Before You Take in Another Cat…
- Rules Change for Monitoring Cats with Hyperthyroidism
- Bored Cat? Scatter the Feline Doldrums with Agility Training
- Keeping Cats from
Reproducing Without Having to Spay Them
- Dear Doctor
- A New Drug to Treat Itchy Feline Skin Condition
- The One Disease Pet Health Insurance May Not Cover
- Yes, But Why Are the Kidneys Enlarged?
- How Often Does Your Cat Really Need Blood Work?
- When It’s Okay to Use an Automatic Feeder to Give Your Cat Her Meals — and When It’s Not
- With Summer Comes Territorial Urine Marking
- Dear Doctor
- Softening the Blow for a Cat Mourning the Loss of Another Cat
- Fungal Disease Spreading from Cats to People
- No Cure for Heartworm Disease in Cats
- 4 New Standards for
Human Grade Cat Food
- Why Cats Stick Out Their Tongues
- Let Your Cat Go
Outside — Safely
- Caregiver Burden for People with Sick Cats
- Dear Doctor
- Updated Guidelines Should Make Vet Visits Less Stressful for Cats
- Morsels
- When the Margins Are “Clean But Close” After Tumor Removal
- Can You Reliably Assess Your Cat’s Pain? Yes.
- On Spraying the Cat with Water to Make Him Stop.
- The Right Diet For Feline Kidney Disease
- When a Cat Dies Suddenly for an Unknown Reason, Should You Request a Necropsy?
- Dear Doctor
- If Your Cat Won’t Take the Medicine, Can It Be Compounded?
- When the Dandruff Won’t Quit
- Fact or Erroneous Perception: Black Cats Are More Likely to End Up Euthanized
- Getting at the Reason For Your Cat’s Twitching
- No, You’re Not a Failure If You Give Your Cat a Psychotropic Medication
- Could Dementia Be Making Your Cat Urinate Outside the Box?
- Your Growing Kitten Is Hungry —and Then Not So Much
- Morsels: Have You Been Palpating Your Cat?; Easter No-No’s; The Vet Will See Your Cat In Person Now; My Hormones Made Me Do It.
- New Promise for Cats with Feline Infectious Peritonitis
- Potential Changes On Cat Food Labels Should Make Them Easier to Interpret
- Learning How Cats Move Can Help Lead to Treatment for Human Spinal Cord Injuries
- Acupuncture for Cats: It’s Catching On
- Cat Facts That Aren’t
- Dear Doctor: Fence on top of a fence to keep the cat in the yard.
- Falling For Your Cat, Literally
- What’s In a Name? (A Lot, Actually)
- Out, Damned Spot!
- When a Cat Gets Into a Tight Spot
- Using 3D Modeling to Heal Cats
- Want to Avoid Disease Transmitted by Wildlife? Keep Your Cat Indoors
- How to Keep Your Cat from Biting/Scratching
- Some Cats Can Now Take a Pill for Diabetes Instead of Insulin Shots