6 Things That Don’t Go Together With Cats
You already know to keep the doors of the washing machine and dryer closed unless you are putting in or taking out clothes. Cats...
Integrative Geriatrics For Your Senior Cat?
Dr. Narda Robinson, a Colorado-based physician, points out that some doctors who treat elderly people now offer a type of medical care called integrative...
Losing Excess Weight Does Much More Than Make a Cat Healthier
Sure, if your cat is overweight (and as many as six in 10 cats are), you want her to be able to take off...
Deciding How to Take a Cat’s Temperature
The three most dreaded words for many a cat owner are “Take her temperature.” The startled, angry reaction of a cat having a thermometer...
Bad breath…Thanksgiving no-no’s…To bleach or not to bleach the litter box
Q: My cat’s breath has become kind of unpleasant in his old age. I’ve been assuming it’s just part of the aging process, but...
Nail Trimming: Not Just For Your Furniture But For Your Cat’s Safety
Because a lot of cats don’t like to be handled, a lot of people skip nail trimming, assuming the scratching post will take care...
Why has she stopped grooming?
Q: My cat used to be incredibly fastidious, licking herself until her coat gleamed. But that has dropped off precipitously, and we can’t figure...
Turn Down the Television! And Other Ways to Keep Your Cat Happier
Sounds, scents, sights — all of these are much different for a cat than a person because they hear, smell, and see things very...
Avoid Whisker Fatigue!
Does your cat appear stressed and uncomfortable during mealtime? Does she pace back and forth in front of her food bowl or paw at...
Bored Cat? Scatter the Feline Doldrums with Agility Training
Whoever said that getting people to do what you want can be like herding cats never herded one. Cats in fact do like to...
Keeping Cats from Reproducing Without Having to Spay Them
There are an estimated 600 million cats in the world, and almost 500 million of them are free-roaming. Up to 100 million homeless cats...
The Best Colors for Your Cat’s Toys
If it’s all the same to you, choose blue and yellow toys for your cats. Those are the colors that stand out to them....