Treating Feline Gastritis

Cats are notoriously finicky eaters, so it might surprise you to learn that stomach upsets are commonplace. But just a few bites of spoiled food or a mild infection can cause stomach distress - known as gastritis - and trigger a trip to the veterinary clinic, according to Mary Labato, DVM, veterinary internal medicine specialist and Clinical Professor at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University.

Summer Safety for Cats

[From Tufts July 2011 Issue]

Summer months bring welcome relief from the cold winter storms, but they can also pose risks that can cause injuries to your cat, cautions Scott Shaw, DVM, a veterinarian certified in emergency and critical care medicine and Assistant Professor at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University.

Dear Doctor – Our experts address excessive hair-removing grooming in cats

[From Tufts September 2011 Issue]

I really hope that you can help us to help our cat. Our veterinarian doesnt know what else to try. My cat licks and bites constantly, and has licked the fur off her abdomen in spots, off all four legs in spots and various other places.

Our veterinarian first administered an allergy injection and it seemed to work. However, she developed a severe reaction after receiving the second allergy shot. We then tried putting her on amitryptiline - placed on the inside of her ear -but that didnt work.

Our veterinarian then placed our cat on a specialty dry food that also did not curb her excessive licking behavior. I feel so sorry for our cat. Any suggestions would really be appreciated. She is 7 years old, and has been doing this for about a year.

Dashing Out the Door

[From Tufts November 2011 Issue]

Posted in big letters on yellow paper taped to the door leading to my fenced back yard are the words, Zeki Alert!

I need this written declaration to serve as a reminder to myself and as a caution to visitors to be on the alert for Zeki, my quick and determined young Turkish van-mix. Each morning, she out races my two dogs to the patio door in hopes of exploring my backyard untethered.

A few times she has managed to dash out the door, leap over the 6-foot fence and sprint out of sight. I spent hours calling for her and searching in vain. Each time, fortunately, she returned - but on her time schedule. Many of us with indoor cats want to give them safe access to the outdoors but protect them from the dangers of roaming dogs, fast cars, disease-carrying stray cats and other perils.

Dear Doctor – Our experts address litter box avoidance in cats

[From Tufts January 2011 Issue]

I have a wonderful 5-year-old cat rescued from Hurricane Katrina when she was a kitten. This year, she has decided to drive me crazy by going from one door to the other and meowing constantly. She is not allowed out in my apartment complex and has not really given me much trouble - until now.

Ive had her for four years and she has never acted like this. I tried walking her on a leash, but the experience was disastrous. She doesnt play with cat toys, so my veterinarian suggested that I adopt a kitten. I hesitate on this, but will wait for your reply. Ive had more than one cat at a time, so I think I know what to expect, but at 80 years old, I have some doubts! My cat is a very high strung, nervous cat; she hides when anyone comes to my house. Any help you can give me will be more than appreciated.

Dear Doctor – Our experts address eye conditions in cats

[From Tufts May 2011 Issue]

My cat has puffy red inner lids. Her outer lids are pink. I have been using pure saline solution according to a book called The Natural Cat.

Theres not much of a difference after a few days of using this solution. Veterinarians in my community are expensive and sometimes, it can be difficult to schedule an appointment with them. Should I continue with the saline solution or try to get her to be examined by a veterinarian? Is there anything else I could try? How long before there is a noticeable difference?Thank you for any advice you can give me.

Dear Doctor- Our experts address feline acne

[From Tufts May 2011 Issue]

Seeks solutions for feline acne
My cat has had a recurring cyst in his chin. Most recently, my veterinarian surgically cut it open to clean it, stitched it up and installed a drain. Eventually, the drain was removed and chin showed no signs of inflammation.

My veterinarian prescribed an antibiotic called Clavamox, but my cat began vomiting and so he was switched to one called Baytril. My cat now has a consistent fever of 102.2 Fahrenheit and my veterinarian is baffled. I hope you can help.
Dave Mazewski

My veterinarian prescribed an antibiotic called Clavamox, but my cat began vomiting and so he was switched to one called Baytril. My cat now has a consistent fever of 102.2 Fahrenheit and…

Dear Doctor- Catnip experts address food bowl play

[From Tufts June 2011 Issue]

Cat displays odd food habit
We have subscribed to your publication for many years. We live with three felines: one Siamese cat, one feral cat and one orange domestic feline named Morris.

Morris likes to play with my ponytail hair bands. He plays hockey with them around the apartment at first, and then he always ends up putting them in his own food bowl. Then he proceeds to eat his food through the round circle of the hair band. Why would a cat put his toys in his food bowl and eat through them?
SariHope Axelrod

Kitten Care Tips

[From Tufts March 2011 Issue]

Spring marks kitten season and a peak time for adoption at local animal shelters. Feline experts urge owners to ensure kittens are spayed or neutered and that they sport two forms of identification: collars and microchips.

Dear Doctor- Catnip experts address litter box avoidance

[From Tufts March 2011 Issue]

Senior cat stops using litter box
We have two wonderful 14-year-old cats who are sisters. In November, our veterinarian cleaned their teeth and discovered that the one named Julie had a bladder infection that was treated with an oral medication for two weeks.

She lives a comfortable life, napping in a bed buddy located under our dining room table. She regularly uses the litter box located about 12 feet away. We also have a bed buddy in the kitchen.

She lives a comfortable life, napping in a bed buddy located under our dining room table. She regularly uses the litter box located about 12 feet away. We also have a bed buddy in…

Dear Doctor – Solutions for Feline Aggression

[From Tufts April 2011 Issue]

Frustrated by cats displaced aggression
Afew years ago, I lured a stray cat into my housebecause I felt sorry for her withwinter approaching.I named her Smokey. I had my veterinarian spay her and give her all the necessary vaccinations.However, there is a problem. My neighbors approached me and told me I have to keep her inside (she was killing chipmunks and birds) or they would notify animal control and have her picked up.

Ask The Doctor – Advice for Chronic Dandruff in Cats

Advice for chronic dandruff
Q My husband and I have four cats of varying ages, all of which we adopted as kittens. We take them for their yearly wellness checkups and all is well within our brood. However, we have one concern: Our eight-year-old female cat, Lucy, has unusually thick, dense and short fur - and she is prone to bouts of dandruff throughout most of the year.