Dear Doctor: Ear Mites
Q. I acquired a kitten a couple of weeks ago, and she has been scratching at her ears like crazy with her hind paws....
Take Good Care Of Your Cat’s Paws: 5 Easy Steps
You know to keep your cat’s nails trimmed because otherwise they could curve into the paw pad and cause both pain and infection. But...
Veterinary Visits By Video
Back in December 2019, before anyone had ever heard the term “social distancing,” telemedicine remained largely at the margins of veterinary care. The concept...
Yes, You Really Can Train Your Cat
While cat owners know their pets are bonded to them, felines are often thought of as uninterested in collaborating with people. It’s believed all...
Dear Doctor: Only Her Hairdresser Knows For Sure
Q. Why is it that as dogs age they get gray around the muzzle and eyes, while cats don’t? I’ve never seen a cat...
Five Easy Ways To Keep Your Cat Happy
You want to do right by your cat, so you pull string toys for him, leave a scratching post in the living room, and...
Choosing a Harness for Your Cat
Not all cats want to go outside on a leash. But for those who do, harnesses provide a great opportunity for an indoor feline...
Is the Cat Stray or Feral? Does It Matter?
Strictly speaking, the words “stray” and “feral” have different meanings. A stray cat, while currently homeless, has at some point lived with people, has...
When the Shedding Gets Worse Than Usual
If you see more cat hair around than usual and you’ve been vacuuming and dusting as frequently as always — or if you’re seeing...
Grooming Gear
Whether it’s the luxurious locks of your Himalayan or your tabby’s more strictly functional striped coat, a thorough brushing will do more than make...
Boxed In and Loving It
Boxes, paper grocery bags, a shelf in a linen closet…you name it, a cat likes to squeeze herself into it.
Some of the reason for...
Theres More to Volunteering at a Shelter Than Petting Cats
Most shelters are happy to have volunteers come and give resident cats attention by playing with them and grooming them. Cats warehoused in shelters need extra attention and socializing so that they will look good to potential adopters and also will adapt better to life with people once they make it to a loving home. But theres more to helping shelter cats than interacting with them directly, and you may have just the talent required. Consider asking a local shelter if it needs help in any of these areas.