You should of course get the sense that the staff at your pet’s veterinary office likes cats.

What You Can Do to Make Vet Visits Go More Smoothly

Because cats so often hate going to the veterinarian, getting them there makes people anxious. That anxiety is then picked up by the pet,...
If he balks at using the litter box, it may be the litter that she objects to.

Your Pet’s Litter Preference

Litter frequently scattered on your bathroom floor may be a sign that your cat is not happy with the type of litter you have...
If your cat’s in pain, she might not be able to do the twisting and bending neccessary for self-grooming.

When a Cat Stops Self-Grooming, Something Is Wrong

Cats are fastidious groomers, which is why their fur looks so sleek and silky. They prize cleanliness. That’s why, if a cat lets herself...
Cats and fish.

Apps for Cats

You’re trying to get some work done, when who should jump up onto your desk looking for a little attention but your favorite feline?...

Alternatives to the Misery of an E-Collar

There comes a time in a cat’s life that she may very well leave a veterinary clinic wearing an Elizabethan collar, or E-collar —...

The Litter May Be Flushable, But…

Flushable litter is safe for your pipes, but is it safe for marine wildlife? There is evidence that it can be lethal to sea...

Dear Doctor: Indoor-Outdoor Choices

Q. I know that pet cats are supposed to live exclusively indoors for their safety as well as for the protection of local wildlife...
Topicals are the most popular form of flea and tick prevention. They’re easy to apply. 

It’s the Dead of Winter. Do You Know Where Your Cat’s Flea and Tick...

One out of every three people reading this sentence does not give their cat flea and tick medicine regularly, according to a study conducted...

A Simple Way to “Talk” Cat

Cats communicate with us in a variety of ways. They often purr when they’re in a good mood, for instance, and sometimes they’ll rub...

Gentle Into That Good Night

Your cat’s heart disease has progressed to the point that there are no more medicines to try, no higher dosages to give, no more...

Whether to Issue a ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ Order

If you’ve ever watched a primetime television hospital drama, you know that “Code Blue” means someone has gone into cardiac arrest. She has died...
International Cat Care

How Not to Pick Up an Uncooperative Cat

A cat who is a new mother may sometimes gently carry one of her kittens by the scruff of the neck to move him...