A White Cat Sits On The Balcony Of An Apartment Building And Loo

During the Dog Days of Summer, Cats Fall from Windows

Veterinary practices report that during the summer months, they see significantly more cats who have injured themselves falling out of windows. These emergencies occur...
Why cats have whiskers, how they can lose them, and what to do about it.

By A Whisker

Pop quiz!True or false? Whiskers are hairs.A cat has 6, 10, or 12 whiskers on either side of her nose.True or false? The human...
Game on!

As American as Baseball and…Cats?

It was the bottom of the eighth between the Colorado Rockies and the L.A. Dodgers when a long-haired grey cat darted onto Denver’s Coors...

Have You Installed a Catio Yet?

It has been only about 10 years since the word “catio” came into use to describe a cat-sized screened-in patio that lets feline pets...
Mosquito on Cats nose

Can Catnip Ward Off Mosquitoes, Too?

Cats don’t just roll over and rub against catnip for the high, a new study suggests. Chemicals in catnip called iridoids also appear to...
Long-haired cats are more prone to hairballs, but regular brushing can cut down on their frequency. 

Hairballs Are Nothing to Worry About — Usually

A cat is never comfortable during the momentary hacking, gagging, and retching it takes to cough up a hairball. Nor is it comfortable to...
Newborn kittens can’t hold their body heat. Their mothers curl around them to keep them warm.

What to Expect When Your Cat Is Expecting

Breeders, people who have taken in a stray who has not been spayed, and those who tend to feral cat colonies may all find...
With a blanket and toys, a cat carrier becomes a fun place to hang out.

How to Adjust Your Cat to the Carrier

You’ve got to take your cat somewhere — the vet’s, a boarding facility — but shoving her into the carrier in a struggle just...
Reading cat faces

Who Can Best Read Cats’ Faces? Women

If you see more cat hair around than usual and you’ve been vacuuming and dusting as frequently as always — or if you’re seeing...

Quantity of Life Versus Quality of Life

When to euthanize is a deeply spiritual decision,” says Alicia Karas, DVM. She heads the Tufts Pet Loss Support Hotline (508-839-7966) and therefore knows...
For a very anxious cat, medication, along with behavior modification, may do a world of good to help her reach a calmer state.

For a Super-Anxious Cat, Drugs May Help

Any cat so anxious that she cannot relax or overreacts to stimuli like the presence of visitors or common household noises should be evaluated...
Brushing your cat’s coat regularly is more than a beauty regimen. It will keep her healthier.

How to Get Your Cat to Age 20

You can’t prevent diseases for which your pet might be genetically primed. But a lot of illnesses are about lifestyle as well as genetics....