Is Your Cat a Good Match For Your Household?
Did you wish for a lap cat but adopt one that doesn’t happen to feel very sociable toward people? Did you want a laid...
Hair Mats: Don’t Tangle With Them On Your Own
The fact that mats mar the sleek, beautiful look of a cat is only a small part of the problem. Mats can also be...
Taking the Stress Out of Bathing
Although most cats spend a lot of time cleaning themselves with their tongues and teeth (which they use as combs to rake their fur),...
Is It Okay to Kiss Your Cat?
Cats don’t express affection by puckering their lips and pressing them against another cat — or a person. So how do they feel about...
YouTube Cat Videos Not So Funny
Funny cat videos on YouTube have exceeded 25 billion views — from cats being “lazy” and falling over to acting “grumpy” or aggressive. But...
Guidelines for Proper Paw Care
You probably know it’s a good idea to trim your cat’s claws every 10 days to two weeks — both for her comfort and...
Yes, You Can Train Your Cat to Use the Toilet. But Should You?
Who among us hasn’t seen those cute little videos of cats doing their business in an actual toilet? And who among us hasn’t fantasized...
Feeding By Food Puzzle
You do your best to make sure your cat is pampered and enjoying the good life. But you may be overlooking her innate prey...
Nail Trimming Made Easier
Some cats don’t like to be handled, especially around their paws, so their owners avoid regular nail trimming. That can spell trouble not only...
When Your Cat Needs to Drink More Water — But Won’t
Most of the time you don’t need to worry about whether your cat is drinking enough water. Setting out a bowl for her is...
Car Sickness
House cats rarely ride in the car — usually just for veterinary visits. But when they do, as many as half suffer from some...
Ear Cleaning: Avoid It
There are lots of things we should be doing routinely to take care of our cats’ health, but cleaning their ears is not one...