Photographing a black cat

Q: A lot of times, photos of my black cat come out looking like two eyes and nothing else. Is there any way to...

Food Puzzles: Really Worth a Try

It may seem like a pain to feed your cat from anything other than his bowl, but food puzzles can really play to his...

Feline saliva: nothing to spit at

Q: What’s the deal with a cat’s saliva? Does it have deodorizing properties? Does it help heal a wound? Or is it simply loaded...

Scruffing: It Backfires

Scruffing — firmly grasping the loose skin of a cat’s back between the shoulder blades — is sometimes used as a way to hold...

How does she know I’m pregnant?

Q: I am just entering my second trimester of pregnancy and not showing yet, but I’m sure my cat knows. How can that be? Tamsin...

More Cats Now Prone to Painful Tooth Complication

A frequently painful condition in cats called tooth resorption has become much more common over the last 50 years, affecting anywhere from 20 to...

About That Fish Tank

A home aquarium provides good environmental enrichment for house cats. They like to watch the fish flutter by and may also be intrigued by...

What Animal Does Your Cat Like to Hunt?

Most cats display a preference for a particular type of prey, says the Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine. For instance, some cats...

Happy Stuff

Those disappointed with their cat’s ho-hum response to catnip have an alternative in silver vine, more commonly used in parts of Asia where it...

Have You Tried Warming The Food?

If your older cat eats less food than she used to, that might be okay. Metabolism and activity slow down with age, so fewer...

Morsels: September 2022

You May Have Only One Bathroom, But Your Cat Prefers Two For Herself Many homes have just one bathroom. But your cat still needs two —...

Morsels August 2022

Cat’s Tooth Resorbing? Extract It to Save Her From Pain. Cats don’t get cavities, but sometimes one or more teeth resorb, meaning the body gradually...