Why Cats Get Stuck in Trees—And How to Get Yours Down

If you think about the fact that cats tend to jump down from high places rather than climb down, it becomes easier to understand why a cat who has climbed high up a tree may have difficulty descending. They climb in the first place either to chase an animal, escape from one, or simply because they like to climb and be high up. But once they get high enough, they know that jumping carries risk. Cats do survive jumps from extremely high perches but, contrary to popular opinion, not always—and not always without injury.

Recognizing a Partial Seizure

Drooling, eyelid or facial twitching, excessive vocalizations, growling, and weird head, neck, or limb movements. Each of these can be a sign of a partial seizure, which is much more common in cats than generalized seizures. Partial seizures are also harder to recognize for what they are, unlike a generalized’s seizure’s sometimes violent shaking and loss of awareness. 

What It Means When a Cat Throws a Clot

One minute your cat seems fine, and the next, she’s paralyzed in her hind legs and is crying out in great pain, dragging herself around by her front limbs. What’s going on?

Easter Comes and Goes, but Lilies’ Threat to Cats is Forever

Some nurseries advertise that pollen-free lilies are safe for cats. They’re not. In fact, all parts of the lily plant are poisonous for felines....

No, You’re Not a Failure If You Give Your Cat a Psychotropic Medication

Things that indicate your cat has been sent over the edge: hostile behavior toward another animal in the house that intends no harm; nervousness...

How To Tell When Difficulty Urinating Means Taking Your Cat to the Vet 

Male cats tend to be the ones who develop obstructions that make it hard to urinate. That’s never a good thing — the cat...

Improving Emergency and Disaster Responses for Our Cats

In a time of sharp partisan divides, legislators have come together for our pets. The Senate (unanimously) and the House of Representatives have passed...

Keeping Your Cat Safe From Burns

Generally speaking, a cat who lives entirely indoors is much safer than one who spends time outside and can get hit by a car...

Where Will You Take Your Cat In an Off-Hours Emergency?

It’s 10 PM on a Sunday evening, and your cat starts having difficulty breathing. Or he begins having what seems like a series of...

Finding Oral Tumors Early

If a tumor is near the front of a cat’s mouth, you may see it even before your cat’s next scheduled wellness exam. But...
Sometimes a fractured rib results from disease rather than blunt force trauma.

Undetected Rib Fractures

About half of rib fractures suffered by cats result from the kinds of mishaps you would expect — getting hit by a car, falling...
These days, more veterinarians are asking people to wait in the car while they examine their pets.

Curbside Care on the Uptick

Curbside care for cats — taking your cat from the car and examining her in the office while you wait outside — became more...