Ask The Doctors: October 2017
I remember that there used to be a lot of talk about the dangers of BHA, BHT and ethoxyquin used as preservatives in certain pet foods. Have they been replaced by different ingredients, or are there simply fewer concerns about them now?
Cat Haven in Old San Juan
As a feline veterinarian and enthusiastic traveler, I try to combine my two passions -cats and travel - whenever possible. I succeeded in the Netherlands when I visited the Poezenboot, a floating cat shelter docked on Amsterdams Singel canal. My luck continued in Burma, where I visited a Burmese Cat Sanctuary on Inle Lake. And fortune struck again recently in Puerto Rico, as I came upon Save A Gato, a volunteer organization run by a dedicated group of cat lovers that cares for the abundant feral cats of Old San Juan.
Making an Educated Guess
At the local shelter where I volunteer, one of the most common questions about the adoptable dogs is: Does she get along with cats? And truthfully, the majority of our dogs are those with an unknown history, frequently rescued off the streets of a nearby city. And in our small facility, its very, very hard to safely assess the cat-friendly aspect of a dogs temperament. …
The Domestication of Cats
In a recent study regarding the evolution of domesticated cats, DNA analysis suggests to researchers that the animals lived for thousands of years alongside humans before they were domesticated. And during that time, their genes have changed precious little from those of wildcats - with the exception of developing the unique stripes and spots of the tabby.
Make Sure Your Microchip Works
The primary purpose of the microchip is to reunite lost pets with their owners. Whether your cat is missing for just a few hours or has survived an incredible journey covering significant distance and time, the reunion of a lost pet with her grateful owner brings overwhelming relief.
July 2017 – Full Issue PDF
July 2017 - Full Issue PDF
The Hazards of Holidays
For most of us, the spring and summer months usher in long holiday weekends filled with family, friends, barbeque and celebration.
For the Love of Cats
Would you enjoy going to work a lot more if you could bring your cat with you? Well, some employees in a Japanese office are doing just that. Nine cats live, eat, sleep and roam around the IT firm Ferray in Tokyo.
Is Pet Insurance a Good Idea?
These days, many cat owners are giving considerable thought to investing in a pet health insurance policy. But is pet health insurance for your cat actually a good idea financially? To help you make that decision, lets examine what a few of the more popular pet health insurance companies have to offer.
June 2017 – Full Issue PDF
June 2017 - Full Issue PDF
May 2017 – Full Issue PDF
May 2017 - Full Issue PDF
April 2017 – Full Issue PDF
April 2017 - Full Issue PDF