Three of the Ancient Cat Breeds

Thanks to breakthroughs in analytical genetics in addition to art, culture and literature, the oldest domestication of cats can be traced back to over 8,000 years ago. When grain farmers needed help controlling the rodent population in the region called the Fertile Crescent - a crescent-moon shaped area including parts of the Near and Middle East - they first tried utilizing the help of weasels. But weasels proved to be difficult to domesticate.

Choosing the Perfect Cat Carrier

Weve all had the experience of taking our cats to the veterinarian for check-ups and understand that getting them from one place to another can a daunting task! However, it doesnt have to be. These days, cat carriers are blossoming into cat-friendly zones. There are even carriers available to the discerning cat owner in many forms and fashions. We examine some of the options that can help you and your cat safely enjoy traveling instead of dreading it!

The Turning of the Leaves

When we first adopt a cat or kitten, its a joyous occasion (well, usually!) and we work hard to help her adjust to all that her new home brings with it.

Easing Caretakers Guilt

Many people consider cats to be independent, aloof and mysterious creatures. However, according to a 2015 Harris poll, the majority of cat owners view their furry companions as family members. Most cat lovers will undoubtedly agree that when it comes to the feline species, there is nothing more stress reducing and enjoyable than a purring cat curled up in their lap.

Is My Cat a Teenager?

Just how old do you think my cat is in human years? This is a question that is asked by people on a regular basis. People love to anthropomorphize pets, attributing human characteristics to them. And most of us want to extend our animal friends healthy lives for as long as possible. Fortunately, researchers have spent some time in the analysis of this age-old question.

So You Want to Open a Cat Caf …..

Firstly, you need to consider this to be an affair of the heart AND the head. If coffee and cats sound like your perfect cup of tea, there are quite a few things to consider before pouncing into the cat caf business. When Sergio Castillo, co-owner of Purringtons Cat Lounge in Portland, OR, was asked what inspired him to open a cat caf, he said, One day my wife, Kristen, announced I want to do that! They then sat down and talked about everything it would take to be successful - including leaving their jobs - to run not just a new business but a new idea.

The Universal Appeal of Cat Cafs

As I settle into the easy chair and sip a cup of tea, Mr. Moo plays with toys, Fernando lounges on the futon and Tiggy Bella is blissfully curled into a cubbyhole mounted on the wall. An afternoon tea break and snuggle time with my cats is my usual routine - but this isnt my living room, nor are these my cats. Mr. Moo, Fernando, Tiggy Bella and a handful of other cats temporarily reside at Purringtons Cat Lounge in Portland, OR while they (briefly!) wait to be adopted into their forever homes.

Curbing Pet Overpopulation

Theres an abundance of kittens right now. Go visit the local shelter and have a look. Or peruse Craigslist or other Internet sites and see how many unwanted litters are out there.

Cats On the Internet

We already know that owning a pet is good for our health. Purring especially continues to fascinate experts and cat lovers alike, and it further adds to the mystique of cats and their healing powers. And now, theres an opportunity to listen to a virtual kitty even when you dont have your own cat kneading away in your lap.

Long-Term Care for Elders and Pets

Lunch service is over and Mr. M collects some leftovers to share with his companion, Sissy. He does this every day, after each meal, because Sissy cant come to the dining room. Mr. M takes care of Sissy, and they enjoy their daily walks together. Through these activities, Sissy also helps Mr. M to feel happy and loved. Mr. M and Sissy - a plump black Chihuahua mix - both reside at Pine Grove Nursing Center deep in the heart of the east Texas piney woods in Center, TX.

Dear Doctor: The health of stray kittens

I trapped two stray kittens last year and had them treated for ringworm. They were neutered and given two rounds of kitten vaccinations. They also had bad breath so my veterinarian cleaned their teeth and needed to extract some teeth. She informed me that one cats dental problems had migrated into the root.

Pets are Good Medicine

Over the years, Ive volunteered at a number of animal shelters. Sure, the locations and people varied, as did the type of facility. But the one thing that was consistent - and consistently upset me the most - was the presence of cats relinquished because their elderly owners needed to move into a long-term care facility of some sort.