No Pets Allowed?

Q: There’s a building with an apartment available that I’d like to move into, and I’ve seen cats in some of the windows. But when I went to sign the lease it had a “no pets allowed” clause, and the fine print didn’t list any exceptions. I have held off but am figuring that since I’ve already seen cats there, bringing my own will just be a form of jaywalking and I won’t have any problems. What do you think?

Don’t Pursue Your Cat…

If you’re in the mood to pay your cat some nice attention with stroking and cooing, it might not be the right time. You have to wait till he’s in the mood. Never try to chase or otherwise pursue your pet in a bid for togetherness. It will backfire.

Things That Don’t Go Together: Your Cat and Narrow Spaces

It can be hard to find room in the house for all your cat’s stuff: scratching post, food and water bowls, toys, bed, litter boxes. Many people relegate many or all of those resources to a back hallway, a staircase landing, or a mudroom off the kitchen. It’s understandable. It keeps the items close by yet more or less out of sight. But from your cat’s point of view, narrow areas like that make unnerving choices.

Should Your Cat Be an Indoor Pet or Indoor/Outdoor?

It’s often said that the best life for a pet cat is entirely indoors because that will keep her safest. But the new 2024 Position Statement on indoor/outdoor lifestyle from the American Academy of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) makes it clear that the truth is more nuanced.

Veterinary Chaplaincy Edges Towards the Mainstream

Grief shared is grief abated.

Avoiding Extreme Conformation in Your Bred Cat

In recent years, veterinarians have seen an increase in the popularity of pedigree cat breeds with extreme body shapes and features, such as flat...

How Delicious Is Your Cat?

If you haven’t yet met a cat named Marshmallow, Pumpkin, or Cinnamon, you will soon. Almost one in every seven cats is given a...

Sticking to a Routine is Critical for a Cat’s Health

People often think of dogs as the pets who require a schedule, probably because they need to be walked several times a day. Their...

But is Your Cat’s Litter Safe for You?

An estimated one out of every 100 people in the United States has celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder characterized by sometimes severe and dangerous...

Before You Take in Another Cat…

You acted with the best of intentions, taking in a homeless cat or perhaps just bringing home a second one because you thought the...

Can a child with asthma live with a cat?

Q: My sister wants to get a cat, but her young daughter has asthma. Won’t that just make it harder for my niece to...

When a Cat Dies Suddenly for an Unknown Reason, Should You Request a Necropsy?

Most often, people with cats have to make a decision about euthanasia when a disease overtakes the animal’s health to the point that his...