Learning How Cats Move Can Help Lead to Treatment for Human Spinal Cord Injuries
Until now, mice have been used to research how the neurology of the spinal cord affects movement and allows animals to keep their balance....
Acupuncture for Cats: It’s Catching On
Arthritis, nausea, chemotherapy side effects…these are just some of the types of pain cats experience that can be quelled with acupuncture treatment. One veterinarian...
Using 3D Modeling to Heal Cats
Perhaps you’ve seen television footage of surgeons talking about preparing for the separation of conjoined twins by practicing the operation on 3D models that...
Want to Avoid Disease Transmitted by Wildlife? Keep Your Cat Indoors
It’s understandable that some cat owners want to let their feline go outdoors to enjoy life as a cat rather than keep the animal...
Some Cats Can Now Take a Pill for Diabetes Instead of Insulin Shots
Last month we explained that sometimes cats with diabetes can stop having insulin shots twice a day if they go into remission, perhaps with...
Some Cats With Diabetes Can Stop Taking Insulin
Diabetes is an expensive disease, with insulin injections for some cats easily reaching $100 a month. It’s also a terribly inconvenient one. Shots of...
To Get Your Cat to Take a Pill, Ready, Aim, Fire!
If your cat won’t willingly take a pill that she needs to treat a medical condition, one option is to train her with a...
Murmurs of the Heart
A cat’s heart is hardly bigger than a golf ball, compared to our fist-sized blood-pumping organ. But the heart of a cat and the...
Shared Decision Making
In human medicine there is a term called “shared decision making.” It means that the patient is provided with the best available evidence about...
How To Tell When Difficulty Urinating Means Taking Your Cat to the Vet “Tomorrow”...
Male cats tend to be the ones who develop obstructions that make it hard to urinate. That’s never a good thing — the cat...
Do You Take the Cat In Or Let It Keep Living Outdoors?
What do you do when a cat keeps coming around but won’t let you near her even if you’ve been putting out food and...
At the Vet’s Office, Shhhhhh!
Cats are significantly calmer at quiet doctors’ offices than at those with lots of doctor’s office noises: dogs barking, doors clanging shut, people talking....