Regurgitation versus vomiting
Q: When a cat regurgitates, is that the same thing as vomiting? I often see the two terms used interchangeably.
Patsy Van der Meer
Huntsville, Alabama
Dear Ms....
Caregiver Burden for People with Sick Cats
The term “caregiver burden” is often applied to people taking care of human loved ones who are very sick and possibly dying. Such caretakers...
Why Cats Stick Out Their Tongues
Some cats sit around sticking out their tongue from time to time. It’s nothing to be concerned about. A slightly protruding tongue is just...
No Cure for Heartworm Disease in Cats
Dogs are a natural host for heartworms. A single dog may harbor hundreds of them, which can cause lasting damage to the heart, lungs,...
Over-the-Counter Antimicrobials Now Available By Prescription Only
Certain antimicrobial medicines used in cats and other animals have been available over the counter. That ends now. As of June 11th, all antimicrobial...
Fungal Disease Spreading from Cats to People
In the United States, a fungal infection called sporotrichosis has been known as rose gardener’s disease. The fungus that causes it, Sporothrix, lives in...
Updated Guidelines Should Make Vet Visits Less Stressful for Cats
In any given year, more than half of all people with cats do not bring them to the veterinarian, surveys suggest. If you’re like...
When the Margins Are “Clean But Close” After Tumor Removal
When a veterinarian removes a possible malignant tumor, she also removes a cuff of surrounding normal-appearing tissue to improve the chances that the tumor...
When a Cat Dies Suddenly for an Unknown Reason, Should You Request a Necropsy?
Most often, people with cats have to make a decision about euthanasia when a disease overtakes the animal’s health to the point that his...
Dear Doctor June 2023
Baby teeth and adult teeth at the same time
Q: I can see that my kitten’s adult teeth have started pushing through the gums, but...
If Your Cat Won’t Take the Medicine, Can It Be Compounded?
To compound a medicine is to alter it in some way so that it’s tailored to the needs of a particular patient who wouldn’t...
When the Cat Becomes Thirstier Than Usual
Have you noticed your cat lapping up water more often, perhaps with more gusto than usual? Has it been going on a bit? Get...