Understanding Feline Cancer
All cats of all ages, no matter how well cared for and protected, are at potential risk for falling victim to one type of feline cancer or another. If undetected and untreated until it has progressed to an advanced stage, this disease - marked by the uncontrolled proliferation of cells in an animals body - is very likely to be fatal.
Help for Hairballs
Regardless of a cats breed, size, shape or age, its a fairly common occurrence: The cat - apparently in good health - is peacefully wandering around the house. Suddenly, she stops, crouches, extends her neck, and retches, hacks and gags. Then, she spits up a slimy, dark-colored and thoroughly unpleasant looking clump of something or other that may resemble, if anything, a chunk of fecal matter. With that accomplished, the cat regains her composure and resumes her normal activities, none the worse for wear.
Can Your Cats Diet Help Prevent Hairballs?
According to Lisa Freeman, DVM, PhD, DACVN, a professor in the Department of Clinical Sciences at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, hairball diets may have some benefit because they typically include increased fiber levels compared to most cat foods. However, they dont help all cats. Ensuring adequate water intake is important (you can try different types of water bowls, tap water versus bottled water, special fountains, etc. if your cat is the fussy type). Also,…
Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
At some point during the course of a middle-aged or older cats routine physical examination, an attentive veterinarian will carefully study the interior of the patients mouth, making sure that the cats teeth are intact and that its gums are healthy. The veterinarian will also be looking for any scabby, ulcerating sores, which in most cases can be medically treated and will soon vanish. …
Common Feline Skin Diseases
The feline skin is, by definition, an organ - a differentiated component of an animals physiologic makeup that performs a wide variety of specific life-sustaining functions. In addition to serving as a matrix for a cats head-to-toe haircoat, the skin serves as a barrier against invasion by harmful microorganisms; it protects against injury to deeper tissues; and it provides a watertight seal that retains an animals bodily fluids and prevents dehydration. …
Dear Doctor – February 2013
Senior cat with digestive issues Q My cat Gizmo is 15 years old and has been having digestive problems and persistent diarrhea. He has lost five pounds in the past few months and I cannot seem to control his loose bowels. I have tried two different enzymes and I have been giving him probiotics that I bought from PetSmart, made with Alaskan salmon oil. So far, his problem still persists. …
Diagnosis: Feline Mammary Cancer
Mammary cancer is the third most common cancer of cats. Approximately one in 4000 cats will develop this feline version of breast cancer, and virtually all of those cats will be females and most will be middle-aged cats - say 10 to 12 years of age. Siamese are a breed at higher risk, and may develop this cancer at an earlier age than other cats. …
What is Feline Mammary Hyperplasia?
Feline mammary hyperplasia is an unusual but benign condition that can be confused with mammary cancer in cats. This condition tends to occur in young cats, even kittens. Literally overnight, the cats mammary glands can become very swollen. The condition is is caused by exposure to the hormone progesterone, which may be produced naturally during the cats reproductive cycle or may be given to treat certain diseases. The glands can ulcerate from the drastic swelling…
Monitoring zoonotic diseases in cats
Monitoring zoonotic diseases According to an article in Science Daily, most new infectious diseases in humans come from animals - including companion animals. However, international agencies currently monitor only diseases transmitted from livestock to people, such as swine flu and avian flu. The study was led by Michael Day, a veterinary pathology professor at the University of Bristol in the U.K. …
Gardens Made Just for Cats
You may still be shoveling snow off the walk, or cuddling near the fireplace soon after the sun goes down. But spring is just around the corner, and now is a good time to think about your warm weather goals while you still have some time to plan. For instance, maybe youre thinking about how to enhance your outdoor environment for your pets, or considering growing some indoor herbs that are fragrant and cat-friendly. …
Some Popular Cat-Safe Grasses and Herbs
It is important to know which plants are safe for cats and which ones are not. Fortunately, there is a long list of safe grasses and herbs that can provide your cat lots of enjoyment (see sidebar on page 13 for information on plants that are dangerous to pets). The popular grasses and herbs include: …
Feline Gastritis
Cats are notoriously finicky eaters, so it might surprise you to learn that stomach upsets are actually quite commonplace. But just a few bites of spoiled food or a mild infection can cause stomach distress - known as gastritis - and trigger a trip to the veterinary clinic, according to Mary Labato, DVM, veterinary internal medicine specialist and Clinical Professor at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University. …