The Usefulness of X-Rays for Cats
Diagnosis: Feline Leukemia
Chronic Rhinosinusitus in Cats
Overview of Diarrhea Treatments
[From Tufts January 2012 Issue]
Diarrhea is one of the most common health problems seen in cats and can present a diagnostic and treatment challenge because of its wide variety of possible causes. Infectious diseases, toxins, dietary changes and even emotional upset can result in diarrhea, and determining the cause is often a process of elimination.
The most likely causes of diarrhea in a given cat depend on his age and lifestyle, says Michael Stone, DVM, DACVIM, an internal medicine specialist and clinical assistant professor at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University. Intestinal parasites such as roundworms typically cause diarrhea in kittens. …
Why Do Cats Throw Up So Much?
How Many Vaccines Does My Cat Really Need?
(Think Like a Cat#6) Cat Problems with Hair Balls
Due to the backward-facing barbs on the cat's tongue, the hair he grooms must be swallowed. Some of this swallowed hair passes through the digestive system without a problem. If he swallows too much hair, the cat may vomit up a tubular-shaped glob of wet hair know to those of us who end uup stepping on them as hair balls. Not all hair balls get vomited up or passed with the stool, though. Some swallowed hair ends up trapped in the intestines, causing a blockage.
How Do You Know If Your Cat Is Sick?
Your cat depends on you for his health and comfort. Cats don't really have nine lives, so it's up to you and your veterinarian to be responsible for his health and welfare.
Become familiar with your cat's normal routine. Notice how much water he usually drinks. This will be important information because an increase or decrease in water consumption can be a symptom of certain diseases. Are you familar with your cat's litter box habits? If so, you may be able to detect diarrhea, constipation, and potential urinary tract problems early. Become familar with his usual volume of urine or feces, as well as its color.
Why Did the Tumor Grow Back?
On the Horizon: The Ability to Detect Even a Single Cancer Cell During Surgery...
How to Recognize an Emergency
Cats are masters at hiding pain and illness, which can make it difficult for their owners to recognize that something is amiss. However, owners should become concerned when they observe persistent subtle changes in their cats behavior such as eating less, sleeping or hiding more than usual or reduced interest in playing ...