Dear Doctor – Canine Oral Cancer
Q Recently, Catnip published an article called "Does Your Cat Have Bad Breath?" and the author Dr. Plotnick mentions oral cancers that are common in cats. He states that early detection and aggressive treatment are essential for therapy to be successful.
Understanding Feline Leg Amputation
Can Joint Supplements Be Helpful?
Cytauxzoonosis in Cats
Disorders of the Feline Spleen
Is Aspirin Safe for Cats?
Dear Doctor – Catnip experts discuss fatty growth
[From Tufts January 2010 Issue]
I was lifting up my cat onto his perch, and I felt a fatty-type growth under his fur near his groin. I have felt a similar type of growth in a pet rat of mine. Should I be concerned?
Paige G. Small
Dear Doctor – Catnip experts discuss vomiting
[From Tufts February 2010 Issue]
Do you know why my overweight cat vomits? She is elderly, but I dont know her exact age. I feed her half of a 3-ounce can of Fancy Feast at night and three-quarters of a cup of a dental-diet dry food during the day.
The vomit looks like it has been digested (like small chewed pieces of dry food in very yellow fluid). Fortunately, she can sometimes go 10 days without an episode. I appreciate any advice you can offer.
Treating Feline Gastritis
Go Ahead, Sleep with Your Cat
[From Tufts July 2011 Issue]
Recently, the U.S. Centers for Disease Controls journal, Emerging Infectious Diseases, published an article that listed illnesses that people might contract if they get too close to their cats. Authors Bruno B. Chomel and Ben Sun examined cases of diseases that apparently healthy animals might have passed to their owners while they were all sleeping together in the same bed. The article generated nationwide headlines implying that people were risking their health if they shared their beds with their cats.
Dear Doctor – Cat Vaccinations
[From Tufts July 2011 Issue]
Velvet, my 16-year-old healthy, active British shorthair, is strictly an indoor cat. The last time that her vaccinations were up to date was four years ago, when I adopted her from a shelter. The only time she might come into contact with other cats would be when I take her to the veterinarians clinic this month for her wellness checkup, or in the event that she might slip out the door (seldom) and encounter another cat (never, so far).
What are the recommended vaccinations for indoor cats like Velvet?
Meridee St. Claire
Case Study: Severe Kidney Infection
[From Tufts August 2011 Issue]
Editors note: This is the second in an occasional series that spotlights cats treated for various medical conditions at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University.
Michelle Downer was going into labor, but as she left the house, she noticed that her cat, Boots, had vomited. That was a little odd, but she wasnt too concerned. Sometimes, cats throw up for no apparent reason. Downers stay in the hospital lasted three days, and at one point, her father commented that although Boots was eating his treats, he looked a little wobbly.