Ask The Doctors: October 2017
I remember that there used to be a lot of talk about the dangers of BHA, BHT and ethoxyquin used as preservatives in certain pet foods. Have they been replaced by different ingredients, or are there simply fewer concerns about them now?
Dear Doctor: Confusion about Feline Vaccines
Q I have three adopted cats, and we live in the country. They are all indoor cats. Recently, I learned that my neighbor has a bat problem in the attic of her old house. Of course, this got me thinking about the possible risk to my own pets. Can you explain the difference between the yearly rabies vaccination and the one that is given once each three years? …
Dear Doctor: Heart Murmurs in Cats
Q My veterinarian told me that my cat has a heart murmur. Does this mean he will die prematurely from heart disease?
Karen Murphy
A Dear Karen: Your concern is understandable. But some feline heart murmurs don't mean anything dire at all. And while some may be signs of a serious problem, the problem can often be treated, with the cat having many wonderful, comfortable years ahead of him.
Understanding Feline Calicivirus
If your typically playful cat suddenly becomes lethargic and suffers frequent bouts of sneezing and sniffling, theres a good chance that shes come down with what might be called a bad cold. If thats the case, its quite possible that the cause of her discomfort is infection with the feline calicivirus (FCV), which is diagnosed in an estimated 40 to 50 percent of cats with upper respiratory illness. (Most other occurrences of such disorders in cats…
Why Mess With Perfection?
A recent study relating to feline genes suggests that theyve remained largely unchanged for thousands of years, and that they actually domesticated themselves.
Dear Doctor: Help for an Itchy Cat
My nine-year-old cat Tommy has arthritis, but he is otherwise healthy. A few months ago, he developed a case of ringworm near the base of his tail. I treated it with a topical medication recommended by my veterinarian, and it went away.
Diagnosis: Feline Diabetes
While maintaining her normal (and robust) appetite, your nine-year-old cat Pansy seemed to be getting a bit slimmer during the past month or so. This in itself might not have been a cause for concern.
Why Pancreatitis Is So Puzzling
Although the pancreas is a comparatively small organ, typically weighing only an ounce or so, your cats health relies on its smooth functioning. Indeed, inflammation of this vital organ - a disorder referred to as pancreatitis - can imperil a cats life.
The Future of Feline Health
Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) - a serious illness characterized by the presence of cysts in the kidney and sometimes outright kidney failure - is a genetic disorder found in nearly two out of every five Persian cats (and many Himalayan cats, too). But because the majority of cats are not purebred, and mate randomly, it is also found throughout the general cat population. In other words, any house cat can carry the genetic trait. And its not just PDK making its way into the greater cat population.
The Hazards of Holidays
For most of us, the spring and summer months usher in long holiday weekends filled with family, friends, barbeque and celebration.
Dear Doctor: When to Spay
After leaving a dinner party late one night, my wife and I were walking to the train to head back to our apartment when a feral cat adopted us by meowing as loudly as she could and rubbing up against us. It turned out she was pregnant, which was fine with both of us, but she had an extremely difficult labor.
Is Pet Insurance a Good Idea?
These days, many cat owners are giving considerable thought to investing in a pet health insurance policy. But is pet health insurance for your cat actually a good idea financially? To help you make that decision, lets examine what a few of the more popular pet health insurance companies have to offer.