The Importance of FIV/FeLV Testing
Although two submicroscopic organisms - the feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and the feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) - differ from one another in a number of significant ways, they have one very important characteristic in common: Infection with either of them can cause a cats premature death.
Minimizing Stress for Your Cat
Much in the same way that stress affects humans, it can also affect cats. While brief periods of stress can help cats to survive dangerous situations, recurrent or prolonged stress can be harmful for them both physically and emotionally.
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Ahome-cooked diet for your pet sounds great, and it certainly appeals to the emotions, says Cailin Heinze, MS, VMD, DACVN. But realistically, the vast majority of these diets I see cats being fed are not nutritionally balanced because just using whole foods that are typically consumed by humans is usually not enough to balance a cats diet.
Feeding the Homemade Diet
A home-cooked diet for your pet sounds great, and it certainly appeals to the emotions, says Cailin Heinze, MS, VMD, DACVN. But realistically, the vast majority of these diets I see cats being fed are not nutritionally balanced because just using whole foods that are typically consumed by humans is usually not enough to balance a cats diet.
Helping Your Vet Make a Diagnosis
If you think about it, being a cat veterinarian is not very different from being a pediatrician. We cant ask our patients whats wrong - we just have to figure it out. Nowhere is the role of a cat owner more important than at the veterinarians office, where a good history can sometimes mean the difference between life and death. Veterinarians are faced with a variety of diagnostic challenges on a daily basis.
The Challenge in Treating IBD
Until a few months ago, your eight-year-old cat Dotty has always been a healthy girl with a robust appetite, good eating habits and an apparently healthy digestive system. Moreover, Dotty has never ventured beyond the confines of your home, so her exposure to any disease that might be carried by other cats in the neighborhood has been virtually nonexistent.
What to Do If Your Cat Gets Burned
It stands to reason that cats who spend all of their time living indoors are far less prone to serious injury than outdoor cats. However, this doesnt mean that an indoor cat is completely out of harms way. Even within their own homes, they can suffer serious injuries, not the least of which are disabling and even fatal burns.
How to Find Your Lost Cat
According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, well over 86 million cats currently live in U.S. homes. Two-thirds of them are considered indoor-only feline companions - their owners keep them confined within the home at all times. The remaining one-third are so-called indoor-outdoor cats - they are free to trot in and out of their owners houses as the mood strikes them.
Ask The Doctors: October 2017
I remember that there used to be a lot of talk about the dangers of BHA, BHT and ethoxyquin used as preservatives in certain pet foods. Have they been replaced by different ingredients, or are there simply fewer concerns about them now?
Dear Doctor: Confusion about Feline Vaccines
Q I have three adopted cats, and we live in the country. They are all indoor cats. Recently, I learned that my neighbor has a bat problem in the attic of her old house. Of course, this got me thinking about the possible risk to my own pets. Can you explain the difference between the yearly rabies vaccination and the one that is given once each three years? …
Dear Doctor: Heart Murmurs in Cats
Q My veterinarian told me that my cat has a heart murmur. Does this mean he will die prematurely from heart disease?
Karen Murphy
A Dear Karen: Your concern is understandable. But some feline heart murmurs don't mean anything dire at all. And while some may be signs of a serious problem, the problem can often be treated, with the cat having many wonderful, comfortable years ahead of him.
Understanding Feline Calicivirus
If your typically playful cat suddenly becomes lethargic and suffers frequent bouts of sneezing and sniffling, theres a good chance that shes come down with what might be called a bad cold. If thats the case, its quite possible that the cause of her discomfort is infection with the feline calicivirus (FCV), which is diagnosed in an estimated 40 to 50 percent of cats with upper respiratory illness. (Most other occurrences of such disorders in cats…