What is Cerebellar Hypoplasia?
Fortunately, the vast majority of newborn kittens come into the world with all of their body parts intact and all of their vital systems functioning properly. Sadly, however, there are notable exceptions - kittens afflicted with a congenital disorder like cerebellar hypoplasia (CH for short), a relatively rare neurologic condition that is alarmingly evident when it does occur.
Understanding the Vet Techs Role
Officially, theres no such thing as a veterinary nurse. The people who act in that capacity are termed veterinary technicians. But its confusing. Why arent veterinary technicians just called veterinary nurses in the first place?
The Cat’s Primordial Pouch
This months Short Takes makes me particularly happy, and I really hope it sparks a trend in the animal welfare community. Researchers at the University of Georgia are matching senior citizens who live alone with shelter cats - to see if the relationship is helpful at making the person feel less lonely and with more purpose.
Dear Doctor: Blood Work: How Often?
I have an eight-year-old cat who I rescued from a shelter as a kitten. I take Daisy to our local veterinarian once a year for a health examination. During our last visit, the veterinarian recommended that we run blood work every year. Is this really necessary for my cat, who is overall healthy? If so, can you explain the advantages of looking at blood work every year?
Dear Doctor: A Cat with a Weepy Eye
I have a cat that has a problem with a weeping eye (at the nose), a condition she has had for several years.
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Compared with its human counterpart, the feline heart is quite tiny - only two inches or so in diameter, about the size of a golf ball. This hollow, muscular organ, however, is structured almost exactly like the human heart and plays the same powerful life-sustaining role.
What is Cryptococcosis?
Earlier in the year, I received a phone call from a cat owner seeking a second opinion. Their four-year-old male orange tabby, Teddy, has always been a bit of a troublemaker, knocking things off counters, chasing imaginary mice and leaving no houseplant un-nibbled. Over the last few weeks, however, Teddy had been battling a stubborn upper respiratory infection (URI), and it was only getting worse, despite treatment.
The Importance of Dental Health
Inflamed and swollen gums, bad breath, a decline in appetite, noticeable weight loss - these are among the most common indications that your cat is suffering from a disorder centered in her oral cavity, most likely in her teeth and gums. She may not behave as if shes in pain, but thats because cats are very good at concealing health issues; after all, she doesnt want to signal to a potential predator that shes in a weakened condition and therefore vulnerable to attack.
Dear Doctor: How to Feed Kittens and their Nursing Mom
I am fostering an adolescent stray mother cat and her three kittens (I picked them up when the kittens were about one-week-old) and I fed her a high-quality wet cat food the first few days.
Dear Doctor: A Problem with Bad Breath
My nine-year-old cats breath has always been slightly unpleasant, but over the past few months, it has become noticeably worse. I would like to know what might be causing this, and if theres anything I can do to remedy the problem.
Dear Doctor: Litter Box Avoidance
We have two wonderful 14-year-old cats who are sisters. A few months ago, our veterinarian cleaned their teeth and discovered that the one named Julie had a bladder infection, which was treated with an oral medication for two weeks.
Blood Transfusions in Cats
Most people have some familiarity with the concept of a blood transfusion, perhaps by donating blood to the local Red Cross, or possibly as a recipient during a hospital stay. Thankfully, most cat owners have very little experience with transfusions when it comes to their pets.