You Should Check Not Just Weight But Also Muscle Mass
You know you should be assessing your cats body condition score to make sure she isnt too heavy. But what about her muscle condition score? Cats with undue muscle loss, either because of a chronic disease or simply the aging process - or both - are often weaker than they should be and may have a decreased ability to recover from illness or surgery.
Dear Doctor: Pushing back on the diagnosis
My beloved cat, Tigger, has died of cancer at the age of 19, and his death has left me feeling somewhat guilty. He enjoyed going outdoors, and I would follow him around the yard to make sure he was okay.
Comparing Veterinary Practices
There is no database in veterinary medicine that lets people compare records for how well different practices do with regard to health outcomes. The only resource is word of mouth - anecdotes from people you know who share their own experiences at local veterinary offices.
Getting a Handle on Feline Asthma
When a cat coughs on a fairly regular basis, people often think their pet is trying to throw up hairballs, says Tufts veterinarian Elizabeth Rozanski, DVM. But coughing and throwing up are two separate things. And unless you see actual hairballs vomited up, a coughing cat should be brought to the veterinarian, she advises.
Eco-Friendly Cat Goods
If youre looking to lessen your impact on the environment but still want to keep your cat happy with fun toys, a comforting bed, and other accouterments, consider some sustainable alternatives to less planet-friendly fare. The products here offer a few of the ever-increasing number of ways you can lessen your cats carbon paw print. You may even decide to purchase extras for family and friends this holiday season.
Dear Doctor: Bringing a Deaf Cat into your Life
I have fallen in love with a shelter cat that is deaf and would like to adopt it. Should I have any concerns?
Dear Doctor: Unable to Afford the Surgery
My cat needs a $3,000 operation, and I dont have the cash or that much credit available on my credit card. I should have bought pet health insurance, but obviously Im not going to be able to get it now, after the need for a surgery has been found. Do I have any options whatsoever?
Detecting and Treating Arthritis
Cats are wily about concealing their pain. It comes from a genetically encoded instinct for self-protection, never wanting to let potential predators know they may be vulnerable. But if your cat has arthritis, there are frequently telltale signs.
When Does Diarrhea Warrant a Vet Visit?
Diarrhea is one of the most common health problems cats suffer. Its not surprising when you consider just how many different types of illnesses and situations can cause it. Loose stools can be prompted by everything from a gastrointestinal infection to a sudden change in diet, stress, feline immunodeficiency virus, inflammatory bowel disease, and even certain types of cancer.
House Calls – Almost – with Mobile Veterinary Clinics
Veterinary care via a house call is certainly not a new concept but has been of limited value because the doctor comes with little more than a black bag and a stethoscope.
Managing Territorial Aggression in a Multi-Cat Household
Cats are by nature territorial animals. They work hard in the wild to carve out their own space because, as solitary predators, they rely on their own abilities to catch prey rather than acting in groups. They also try to avoid chance encounters with other cats in order to sidestep fighting and injury. What that means is that even if two cats claim the same territory and forage in the same general vicinity, they dont forage at the same time.
Does your cat qualify as a blood donor?
Cats in the throes of kidney failure, leukemia, poisoning, injuries sustained in a car accident, or loss of too much blood during an operation are often aided by blood donations from other cats. Owners volunteer their pets as blood donors knowing that the process involves, at most, minimal discomfort. And besides taking pride in the fact that their pets donation may save lives, they can enjoy the benefits their cat receives in the form of incentives provided by veterinarians. These range from a basic blood examination that may uncover health issues to a free yearly exam.