A cat with asthma who learns to use an inhaler can often enjoy significant relief from symptoms.

For Cats with Asthma, Inhalers

We often think of cats as exacerbating breathing problems in people with asthma. But cats, too, can suffer from the wheezing and coughing that...
Spaying or neutering can result in an increased appetite.

Does Spaying or Neutering Really Lead to Weight Gain?

If you’ve recently had your cat spayed or neutered and it looks like your pet has put on a few, you’re probably not imagining...
This cat has acute glaucoma.

Recognizing Glaucoma

Does your cat have progressive cloudiness in one or both eyes? Has the white of an eye stayed red? Has one or both eyes...
If a cat stops using his favorite scratching post, it may mean he’s in pain.

Old Cats: Three Vet Visits Yearly

If your cat is older than 15, you should be taking him to the veterinarian for a wellness exam not twice a year but...
Some — not all —cats are pretty chill about taking a pill.

Take Your Medicine

Few words fill cat owners with more dread than “She needs a daily pill.” Not always the most compliant companions, cats spit pills out....

Constipation: Don’t Just Assume It Will Correct Itself

Most cats defecate once a day; some cats, twice daily. It wouldn’t be unusual to skip a day, but you should be concerned if...

Dear Doctor: Pillow foot

Q. Two of my cat’s feet have become kind of puffy, or swollen, and it looks like he’s uncomfortable walking. I should probably take...
Even though it doesn’t look right, it may not affect his vision. Take the cat in for a professional evaluation.

An Eye Condition That Looks Like a Cataract — But Isn’t

A bluish-gray tint is making your cat’s eye look cloudy, or even opaque. You worry that it’s a cataract but are afraid to find...
Cavities aren’t an issue, but there are other essential reasons to brush a cat’s teeth.

The Most Common Disease of Cats

Gum disease is the most common disease to affect pet cats. It may not sound like a big deal. But gum disease, known medically...
Cats can get white coat hypertension, too. They need to be calm before the vet applies the cuff.

Does Your Cat Have High Blood Pressure?

Much like in people, high blood pressure in cats can lead to a host of serious problems, including strokes, blindness, and dragging of one...

Feline Arthritis Pain: Widespread But Largely Undetected

Because cats are so incredibly nimble and graceful, we tend not to think of them as vulnerable to the pain of osteoarthritis, a disease...
Veterinarian examining teeth of a cat while doing checkup

Dear Doctor: Worsening Breath

Q. My cat’s breath has never been particularly pleasant, but I’ve noticed over the past year or so that it’s getting worse. At her...