Helping Cats Satisfy Their Scratching Instinct
Cats don’t just enjoy scratching. They scratch for a number of reasons both psychological and physiological.
For instance, they scratch when they are excited, as...
It’s Okay If Your Cat “Covers” Her Food
Many cats go through the motions of covering their food by scratching or pawing around the bowl in a simulation of digging. They’re not...
Does Your Cat Act or React?
Does you cat feel secure in his surroundings? Does he see the territory he inhabits as his own and feel free to move about...
The Weakest Sense
With almost 40 times more odor-sensitive cells in their noses than we have in ours, cats have it all over us when it comes...
Dear Doctor: Cat attacks my feet
Q. My new kitten won’t stop charging at my feet. Sometimes he just comes over to sniff them, but often, he literally jumps at...
Feline Behaviors Often Seen as Normal — But Are Not
I see about one cat for every 10 to 15 dogs,” says the head of the Tufts Animal Behavior Clinic, Stephanie Borns-Weil, DVM.
Why is...
Clamoring to Go Out
Your cat has always tried to rush out the front door when it is opened, but lately he seems more determined than ever to...
A Veterinarian’s Behavioral Assessment That You Can Make On Your Own
The American Association of Feline Practitioners says there are eight questions regarding behavior that a veterinarian should ask about your cat during every visit....
Yes, But Why On My Laptop?
Cats prefer to initiate interaction with you rather than the other way around. That’s why, while you’re working on your laptop (or reading the...
Are Cats Social Eaters?
Humans do it - eat to be polite, to join in with others, rather than because they are hungry. And dogs most certainly will want in on the action if they see another dog eating, whether or not the sight or aroma of the food itself has enticed them. But what about cats? Do they eat to experience social connectedness?
Dear Doctor: The Nose Knows
Q. How strong is a cat’s sense of smell?
Jonathan Puccio
Cincinnati, Ohio
Dear Mr. Puccio,
A. cat’s sense of smell leaves ours in the dust. In fact,...
Why Cats Enjoy Hanging Out In Sinks
Sinks are a favorite spot to hang out for many cats. One reason may be that the cold, hard porcelain or ceramic basin of...