Cat Too Clingy
Imagine having to avoid tripping over your cat because she’s frequently making tiny figure-8s around and between your legs. Or not being able to...
Cat’s got rhythm
Q: My wife and I have noticed that when we put on soft classical numbers, our cat seems to settle in and become calmer. Are we imagining this, or might she actually be responding to the music?
New Drug for Cats Terrified of Vet Visits
The Food and Drug Administration has approved a drug called pregabalin to alleviate a cat’s anxiety and fear associated with veterinary visits as well...
How to Make Your Cat Smarter
People tend to rate their cat’s intelligence by how much their pet interacts with them. Cats deemed smart are often those who spend time...
Older Cat Less Active? Maybe Your Floors are Too Slippery
Laminate and tiled floors and even wood flooring can prove very slippery for an old cat who’s not as steady as she once was....
Can Cats Use Facial Expressions to Signal Friendliness to Other Cats?
There has been a fair amount of research on the faces cats make to communicate with people, along with research on their expressions when...
Mental illness in cats
Q: Is it possible for cats to have mental illness, or is it always just a matter of behavioral issues?
Faye Schecter
Chicago, Illinois
Dear Ms. Schecter,
Keep Your Cat from Climbing the Feline Ladder of Aggression
There are 12 steps on the Feline Ladder of Aggression, a graphic devised by veterinarian and behavior consultant Sally J. Foote, DVM. But a...
The Brain-Bladder Connection in Cats Can Cause Disease
Your cat starts urinating more frequently and often does so outside the litter box, straining while he relieves himself. He also has started over-grooming...
Increase Your Cat’s Clicker Training Success Rate
Like dogs, cats can learn tricks with clicker training. The sound of the clicker comes super fast, faster even than the short amount of...
Morsels November 2023
A Second Reason Your Cat May Jump onto the Kitchen Counter
Having started out as tree dwellers, it makes sense that cats like to jump...
3 Ways to Help a Scaredy Cat
Cats in general like a fair amount of alone time, but if your cat’s “MO” is one of almost complete avoidance of you and...