Cats and Home Remodeling Projects
Dear Doctor – How Can I Quiet my Chatty Cat?
Tail Talk in cats
Myth Buster: Cats and Water
Senior Cat Stopped Using Litter Box
Turf 101
The Graveyard Shift
If you live with several cats, there's a pretty good chance that you've had at least one four A.M. wake-up call. Whether he wants food, a place on your pillow, or just a bit of playtime, a cat can be mighty persistent.
If you've been getting up to put food in his dish when he sits on your chest at four or five A.M., then you're reinforcing his behavior. Even if you try to hold out as long as possible before you simply can't stand it anymore, every time you get up lets him know his method worked.
Maybe your cat doesn't want food - he merely wants your attention. Out of frustration you may have resorted to locking him out of the bedroom. Although it may work with some cats, in other cases you may end up with having to listen to the endless sound of a cat scratching and pawing at the door or scratching at the carpet.
Cats tend to become more active after dusk. Just as you're winding down from the day, a cat is revving up. After engaging in several catnaps during the day, a cat is ready for play when the sun goes down. You also have to keep in mind that you've been gone all day, so when you come home at night, your cats are stimulated by your presence.
Fortunately, there's an effective and fun method for curbing nocturnal activity base on natural cat behavior.
Frisky Kitten vs. Older Cats
Are You Good at Determining Friend or Foe between cats?
Stress in cats is a contributing factor to illness, including Feline Idiopathic Cystitis. Studies show that many cat owners dont recognize the signs of stress or conflict between cats. Take this intercat relationship quiz to see if your cats get along as friends or merely tolerate each other at best.
- Do your cats sleep together?
- Do your cats comfortably eat together, sharing the same bowl at the same time?
…Anti-Anxiety Medications for Cats
Claws Up
Cats scratch your furniture not because they are being malicious but because they have an innate need to sharpen their claws. When they scratch, they leave their scent behind, which brings them back to the same spot again and again.
Thwart your cat by spraying a neutralizing solution to remove the odor. Then apply double-sided sticky tape, heavy plastic, or aluminum foil to the arms of the furniture or drape a big towel or blanket over the arms.
Thats Part 1. Part 2 calls for you to redirect your feline friend to practice cat scratch fever on a scratching post instead.Thwart your cat by spraying a neutralizing solution to remove the odor. Then apply double-sided sticky tape, heavy plastic, or aluminum foil to the arms of the furniture or drape a big towel or blanket…
Happy Cat Happy You: Who are you & what is that?!
As cuddly cute as kittens are, they must be taught how to socialize. As soon as you bring your young feline home, you can begin instilling good manners, self-confidence, and trust in your newest addition to the family.
Expose your impressionable kitten to young people, old people, tall people, short people, people with accents and people wearing hats and other funny clothes that make them look different.
If possible, your kitten should meet other cats and yes, …