Things That Don’t Go Together: Your Cat and Narrow Spaces
It can be hard to find room in the house for all your cat’s stuff: scratching post, food and water bowls, toys, bed, litter boxes. Many people relegate many or all of those resources to a back hallway, a staircase landing, or a mudroom off the kitchen. It’s understandable. It keeps the items close by yet more or less out of sight. But from your cat’s point of view, narrow areas like that make unnerving choices.
A feline high from second-hand marijuana smoke?
Q: Sometimes marijuana is smoked recreationally in our home, and I am worried as our cat does not seem herself when that happens. Am I imagining it, or could there really be some effects?
3 Easy-to-Miss Signs of Feline Fear
Perhaps you already know that if your cat’s pupils have dilated even though the amount of light in the room has not lessened, it could indicate that that she is feeling anxious. Or that if she hides or tucks her tail under, she is afraid. But there are other signs of fear that are easier to miss because they don’t necessarily look like dread or discomposure. It’s important to know them so you can work to soothe your pet out of her stressed state—or at least understand that she is going through something unnerving and let her be.
Your Cat Is Dying. How Does She Feel About It?
Cat Talk, and What It Means
Cat Too Clingy
Cat’s got rhythm
Q: My wife and I have noticed that when we put on soft classical numbers, our cat seems to settle in and become calmer. Are we imagining this, or might she actually be responding to the music?
New Drug for Cats Terrified of Vet Visits
How to Make Your Cat Smarter
People tend to rate their cat’s intelligence by how much their pet interacts with them. Cats deemed smart are often those who spend time connecting with their people. But it may not just be a perception on our part.
Older Cat Less Active? Maybe Your Floors are Too Slippery
Laminate and tiled floors and even wood flooring can prove very slippery for an old cat who’s not as steady as she once was. And that, in turn, can make her less likely to be active. If your cat is avoiding a particular room or space in the house that she used to frequent, consider putting a runner there. You might be happily surprised to find her confidently making her way across.
Can Cats Use Facial Expressions to Signal Friendliness to Other Cats?
There has been a fair amount of research on the faces cats make to communicate with people, along with research on their expressions when they are in pain. What hasn’t been well studied are their facial expressions to communicate their feelings to other cats.
Mental illness in cats
Q: Is it possible for cats to have mental illness, or is it always just a matter of behavioral issues?