Myth Buster: Cats and Water
[From Tufts March 2011 Issue]
Editors note: This article launches a new Catnip series that debunks common misconceptions about cats.
In spite of their reputation for tolerating only dry land, a surprising number of domesticated cats not only tolerate but love pawing water or swimming. Some like to play in standing water; others are fascinated by running water and prefer to drink from a faucet rather than a bowl.
(Managing Cat Aggression Ebook Tip#1) – What is Petting Aggression?
Sexual Aggression in Cats
Cats with Bathroom Issues – The Multiple-Cat Factor
(Naughty No More Tip#2) Cats with Bathroom Issues – The Outsiders
Does Your Cat’s Counter Jumping Bug You?
An Unscientific Poll Regarding Counter Jumping in Cats
Ah, serendipity! On the same day I spoke with Dr. Nicholas Dodman, a post appeared in the Facebook group, CatCentric, asking if the members allowed their cats up on counters and if it's an acceptable behavior.
As it turned out, the question drew over 265 comments within 24 hours, so clearly it's a hot topic. The comments covered a broad spectrum of opinions from "Never, Gross, Unsanitary" … to "It's their home and they do as they please que sera, sera attitude" … and all points in between.