Dear Doctor: The health of stray kittens
I trapped two stray kittens last year and had them treated for ringworm. They were neutered and given two rounds of kitten vaccinations. They also had bad breath so my veterinarian cleaned their teeth and needed to extract some teeth. She informed me that one cats dental problems had migrated into the root.
Dear Doctor: Falls and concussions
We live in a rural community, and have a couple of indoor-only cats, in addition to a few barn cats out back (we tried to bring them inside when they were kittens, but they were very unhappy with that lifestyle).
Dear Doctor: Cat With a Heart Murmur
My veterinarian told me that my cat has a heart murmur. Does this mean he will die prematurely from heart disease?
Dear Doctor: Effects of Drug Exposure
I am the director of a small-town animal shelter, and we recently took in a two-year-old Bengal who was living with his owner in a meth house. This poor cat was subjected to his owners drug use for most of his life, and he is now suffering the consequences.
Dear Doctor: Socialization for Shelter Adoptees
For years, I adopted kitten siblings that required close to zero socialization to adjust to living in my home. However, the last four cats Ive adopted from shelters took a long time to feel comfortable enough to come out of hiding from under my bed or behind my sofa. I am happy to report that they are all now well adjusted and contented, but it did take some time.
Dear Doctor: Issue of a Chronic Weeping Eye
I have a cat that has a problem with a weeping eye (at the nose), a condition she has had for several years. Now, the iris is gradually turning orange, starting at the nose, and the eye is starting to squint slightly. This seems to be getting worse.
Dear Doctor: Never See my Cat Drink!
I am writing in hopes that you may have a suggestion regarding my three-year-old Persian cat. I adopted her through an agency when she was about two years old, but nothing was ever mentioned about her eating issues.
Dear Doctor: What is Brittle Bone Disease?
A friend recently adopted a young kitten from a local humane society, and soon after, the kitten was diagnosed with brittle bone disease. Neither of us had ever heard of this, and now it makes me worry about adopting a new kitten.
Dear Doctor: Improving Feline Intelligence
I recently read the Short Takes in Catnip (March 2018 issue) about dogs being smarter than cats. What can be done to increase the neuron count in cats, if anything?
Dear Doctor: The Signs of Asthma
My small three-year-old female cat, who weighs just under seven pounds, will suddenly go through what seems like a coughing/choking spell. She crouches low to the floor and struggles through an episode. Then she stands up and goes about her regular business.
Dear Doctor: Mental Illness in Cats
I have lived with cats most of my life, and while I have experienced some of the expected behavioral issues - inappropriate elimination, hard-to-control scratching, etc. - I am curious if there are levels of mental illness in pets, too. Do we automatically assume certain traits are behavioral issues or can pets - like humans - be born with certain psychological issues, as well?
Dear Doctor: Dental Care Challenges
I am a long-time subscriber and I really enjoy each issue of Catnip! Regarding dental health with my two cats, however, I am at a loss. They simply will not let me brush their teeth. I live alone, so theres really no one who can assist me on a regular basis.