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Stray versus feral

Q: What’s the difference between a stray cat and a feral one?

Counter conditioning

Q: I can’t get my cat to stay off the kitchen counter. If I catch her there, I yell at her to get down, and she does. But it doesn’t stop her from jumping up again at other times. 
Any suggestions?
Dee Jonas
Houston, Texas

The Cat Won’t Go For Walks

Q: I read with interest last month’s article saying that it can be good environmental enrichment for a cat to be walked outside with...

No Pets Allowed?

Q: There’s a building with an apartment available that I’d like to move into, and I’ve seen cats in some of the windows. But when I went to sign the lease it had a “no pets allowed” clause, and the fine print didn’t list any exceptions. I have held off but am figuring that since I’ve already seen cats there, bringing my own will just be a form of jaywalking and I won’t have any problems. What do you think?

Tuna Concerns

Q: In a recent issue you talked about why cats love tuna but left out the most important thing, which is that tuna generally has high concentrations of mercury and that mercury is poison. Why would anyone who loves their cat knowingly feed them poison? You should print a follow-up article that makes people aware of the danger in feeding tuna to their pets.

How likely is a white cat to be deaf?

Q: You always hear that white cats are likely to be deaf, but I have an all white cat who has no hearing problems...

Unnecessary nutrients in the cat food?

Q: I noticed that some of the nutrients listed in the Guaranteed Analysis panel on the label of my cat’s food have an asterisk...

Can an old cat withstand the anesthesia?

Q: I have a 14-year-old cat who needs surgery. But at that age, will she be able to tolerate the anesthesia? Haley Pearl Highland Beach, Florida Dear...
He can’t learn to read music, but you can still teach him a lot of other fun tricks. 

Cat’s got rhythm

Q: My wife and I have noticed that when we put on soft classical numbers, our cat seems to settle in and become calmer....

Worried about dehydration

Q: I’m worried my cat is not drinking enough water. I never see her at the water bowl. She is on dry food. Should...
cat depression

Mental illness in cats

Q: Is it possible for cats to have mental illness, or is it always just a matter of behavioral issues? Faye Schecter Chicago, Illinois Dear Ms. Schecter, A:...

Dear Doctor February 2024

Claritin for cats? Q: We have two cats with feline herpesvirus. One becomes very congested overnight, sneezes up mucus clumps, and goes through intense coughing...