Stress in cats is a contributing factor to illness, including Feline Idiopathic Cystitis. Studies show that many cat owners don’t recognize the signs of stress or conflict between cats. Take this intercat relationship quiz to see if your cats get along as friends or merely tolerate each other at best.
– Do your cats sleep together?
– Do your cats comfortably eat together, sharing the same bowl at the same time?
– Do your cats groom each other, touch noses and rub against one another?
– Best feline buddies snuggle up and sleep together. Cats that are less than friends live together in a time-share arrangement to some degree, trying to avoid each other. Notice if your cats spend a lot of time close together or in separate rooms.
– Feline friends don’t mind eating together and often prefer it. In fact, friends share most resources including food, beds and litter boxes. For cats who don’t get along, it’s especially important to provide separate resources in different parts of the home to avoid conflict and reduce stress.
– Friends engage in lots of physical contact including grooming, nose touching and rubbing against one another. Cats don’t necessarily have to be vocal with the sounds of hissing, spitting or growling to signal conflict (although some may). Cats usually go out of their way to avoid conflict. They indicate their moods by using feline body language — this can include a direct stare or glare, a tail twitch or even a flick of the ear to communicate intimidation or displeasure with one another.